Absolute Immunity is Absolutely Anti-AmericanSCOTUS Ruling In Trump v US Declares Us Subjects Not Citizens Jul 4, 2024Jul 4, 2024
Leading with Dignity in 2021“The crises we face are not a science problem, they are a human problem.” — Doug McMillon, CEO, announcing Walmart will become a…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Summer is beautifully gone.I took a bike spin over the North Bridge in Concord, MA and into Estabrook Reserve (the old road to Carlisle). There’s no need for an…Oct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
2020 is White Nationalism vs. Civic NationalismThe Boston Globe “Ideas” section essay Sunday recognized that 2020 is, in fact, a battle for America’s soul. It is a collective soul lived…Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020
Systemic Racism is the Chokehold on America’s FlourishingLet’s ban lethal chokeholds and stop spending billions to make our police look like imperial troops occupying hostile land — ASAP. But…Jun 11, 2020Jun 11, 2020
We Need A Green New Deal ImmediatelyAs we approach June 2020 we are spending unprecedented trillions. Every American community, state and our nation will become perceived as…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
Being Not Having; Caring Not Needing“Flourishing” is a thin and luminous book from 2013 that can frame deeper and more personal conversations about our sense of the possible…Mar 10, 2019Mar 10, 2019
The Most Important Discovery Since Fire: Human LoveThe interview below is between two of hundreds of thought leaders across disciplines who have been examining how the scientific…Oct 13, 2018Oct 13, 2018